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The Library will be closed for building maintenance on Friday, September 6th, and Saturday, September 7th. While the Library will be open on Monday, September 9th, work will continue through Thursday, September 12th. Study rooms will be unavailable from Monday, September 9th, through Thursday, September 12th, and public computer terminals will be limited. We appreciate your understanding during this period.

Local History: 1960s-1990s

Middleborough Information: 1960s - 1990s
(Main Floor - Workroom)

This collection includes records on specific topics pertaining to Middleborough (ex: bylaws; census records; building projects; statistics). This is a Library Staff accessible collection, only. Please ask at the Reference Desk or Main Desk for whatever you would like to examine. The complete list of contents in each folder follows.

Drawer One

  1. Right to Farm Bylaw copies
  2. Agricultural Retreat Lot Bylaw
  3. Zoning Bylaws (multiple copies)
  4. General Bylaws
  5. Zoning Bylaw Amendments
  6. Planning Board Rules (1982) and General Use District Study
  7. Cost of Community Services brochure
  8. Latitude and Longitude and Elevation of town center
  9. Topographical Atlas (see 40a,b,c,d for Middleboro)
  10. Town Meeting Primer/Finance Committee Goals
  11. Town Charter
  12. Pratt Farm information
  13. Archaeology Museum information
  14. Middleboro Historical Museum
  15. Montgomery Home
  16. Lakeville Hospital (contact person)
  17. Water Quality information
  18. Century Fund
  19. Proposed new police station information sheet
  20. Middleboro FM Channel application
  21. Nichols School Improvement Plan
  22. Articles/Information on industrial growth in the 1990's
  23. Official Town Records locations
  24. Indictment of Glenn Marshall (Dept. of Justice documents)
  25. Old maps of Middleboro
  26. In the rear of Drawer 1 are multiple copies of:
    • Areawide Traffic Plan for Middleboro, 1972
    • SRPDD Fact Book 1993
    • Town Open Space Plans 1974 & 1987
    • Town Master Plans 1969
    • Downtown Streetscape Master Plan 1998
    • Town Open Space Plan 2008

Drawer Two

  1. School District Report Card 2003 (4 copies)
  2. G&E Annual Reports/Forecasts
  3. Middleboro ADA compliance 1992
  4. Oliver Mill Park Plan 2000
  5. Maxim Trucks booklet by Sass, Maxim photo
  6. Nemasket River Shoreline Survey 2003
  7. Environmental Site Assessment Washburn Mills(also 36a, 36b)
  8. Middleboro Veterans Council projects and articles
  9. Middleboro Housing Authority plan 200-2004
  10. COA Painting exhibit 1998
  11. Washburn Papers background
  12. National Register Nominations only
  13. National Register How-to-File
  14. National Register Drafts for Center, 3 copies
  15. National Register Draft for South Middleboro
  16. Ages of various towns in Massachusetts
  17. Deborah Sampson material (mimeo copies)
  18. In the rear of Drawer 2 are:
    • Town G&E Board Meeting Minutes going back to 1995
    • Town Selectmens' Meeting Minutes 2001-2002

Drawer Three

  1. The Middleboro "ALS Cluster" files from the 1980's. This material is divided into folders labeled as follows:
    • List of the persons involved
    • Maps
    • Correspondence
    • Articles
    • Grant information
    • Environmental history
    • Progress reports
  2. Middleboro Street Renumbering lists
  3. Rear Section: Initial Site assessment & Environmental Impacts for the Oak Point Project Phase One

Genealogy Room (Second Floor)

You can find these files in two grey archival boxes on the middle (third from the top) shelf in the cabinets closest to the Peirce St. windows.

Highlighted files are currently unavailable.

Box 1 contains files 1-17 and Box 2 contains files 18-32.

  1. Local monographs from 1970's and 1980's
  2. 1980 Census Data
  3. 1990 Census Data
  4. Zoning Bylaws from 1961-70, 1971, 1978, 1982
  5. Commuter Rail returns to Middleboro (1997 articles)
  6. Old Commemorative and Events Booklets
  7. History of the First Church items
  8. History of the Town Hall
  9. 300th Town Anniversary Booklets
  10. Hometown magazine (published 1987-1988)
  11. North Middleboro Mothers Club (Report from 1941)
  12. Jerusha B. Deane - Poems (1893)
  13. Middleboro in the WPA Historic Buildings Catalog, 1940
  14. Odd Fellows Fraternal Organization, 1915, special newspaper supplement
  15. Red Men Fraternal Organization, history
  16. Charlotte Mitchell, Wampanoag (article reprint)
  17. Middleboro minstrel shows (program booklets)
  18. Paun genealogy (includes photo)
  19. Photo booklet dated 1895
  20. Peirce Academy item
  21. Item found in Sproat Tavern (1759 sermon)
  22. Philandrian Society meeting in Middleboro, 1802
  23. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Thumb clippings
  24. "Fortnightly Echoes" - Middleboro School booklet, 1923
  25. "By the Clear Nemasket River" sheet music, 1922, 3 copies
  26. A list of selected Middleboro references in the early Boston Globe
  27. History of the Cemetery at the Green pamphlet (multiple copies)
  28. Street, Business and Resident Directory for downtown Middleboro only based on early 1900's information
  29. Middleboro telephone directory 1946
  30. Alden Shoe Company information
  31. Danson's Grindstone
  32. Wayne Caron information